MRT Program
Moral Reconation Therapy, often abbreviated as MRT, is a specialized form of therapy designed specifically to target and address addiction. This highly effective approach utilizes a cognitive-behavioral model to help individuals struggling with addiction recognize and change their destructive patterns of thinking and behavior. By promoting moral reasoning and personal responsibility, MRT aims to not only treat the addiction but also instill lasting positive changes in an individual’s life.

Our addiction treatment programs in New Jersey can help you or a loved one overcome substance use disorder. Don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that focuses on helping individuals with addiction to improve their moral reasoning and decision-making skills. It was developed in the 1980s by Dr. Gregory Little, a clinical psychologist, and has since been used in various treatment settings, such as prisons, drug courts, and residential treatment facilities.

MRT treatment for addiction aims to help individuals develop a sense of personal responsibility for their actions and choices, as well as understanding the impact of their behavior on others. It also helps them identify and change distorted thinking patterns that may have contributed to their addiction.

MRT is a centerpiece of our addiction therapy services in NJ that typically involves group therapy sessions led by a trained therapist. The program consists of 16 steps or “units,” which cover topics such as honesty, responsibility, positive relationships, and self-esteem. Participants are encouraged to actively participate in discussions and complete homework assignments to reinforce what they have learned.

One key aspect of MRT is the use of positive reinforcement for demonstrating pro-social behaviors and making progress in the program. This can include rewards such as certificates or privileges within the treatment facility.

Research has shown that Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) can be effective in reducing substance abuse relapse rates, improving problem-solving skills, and increasing moral reasoning abilities. It can also help individuals develop coping strategies to deal with life stressors without turning to drugs or alcohol.

How Does MRT Work?

At our substance abuse treatment center in NJ, MRT treatment for addiction takes the form of individual and group counseling and uses prescribed homework assignments and structured group exercises to address seven basic issues.

Those seven basic treatments include:

  • Confrontation of beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes
  • Reinforcement of positive behavior and habits
  • Assessment of current relationships
  • Positive identity formation
  • Enhancement of self-concept
  • Development of higher stages of moral reasoning
  • Decrease in hedonism and development of frustration tolerance

In addition to treatment for addiction and substance use disorder, the MRT program includes several tracks to address various issues. Some of these include:

  • Anger Management
  • Trauma
  • Codependency
  • Domestic Violence
  • Mental Health
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Parenting
  • Employment
  • Relapse Prevention

MRT treatment for addiction is a vital component of our treatment programs. If you are struggling with addiction, our intensive outpatient program (IOP) in New Jersey may be right for you.

What Are The Benefits of MRT?

Encourages Self-Reflection: MRT encourages individuals to examine their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a non-judgmental manner. This allows them to gain insight into their motivations for substance abuse and identify any negative thought patterns.

Develop Moral Reasoning Skills: MRT helps individuals develop critical thinking skills by challenging their existing belief systems and encouraging them to consider alternative views. This promotes more positive decision-making and can help prevent relapse.

Promotes Responsibility and Accountability: MRT emphasizes personal responsibility for one’s actions and choices. By taking ownership of their behavior, individuals are better equipped to make positive changes in their lives.

Builds Self-Esteem: Many individuals with addiction struggle with low self-esteem and feelings of guilt or shame. Through MRT, they learn to forgive themselves for past mistakes, take pride in positive changes, and develop healthier self-worth.

Addresses Core Issues: Addiction is often linked to underlying psychological issues such as trauma or unresolved emotional pain. MRT helps individuals address these core issues by focusing on self-examination and moral growth.

Improves Relationships: The skills learned in MRT can also be applied to interpersonal relationships, leading to stronger connections with family members, friends, and support networks.

Completing Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) through our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) in New Jersey can lead to long-lasting positive changes in an individual’s life.

Is MRT Right For Me?

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) has been used successfully in various settings, including prisons, drug courts, and rehabilitation programs. It can be helpful for individuals struggling with any type of substance use disorder.

So how do you know if MRT is right for you? Here are some questions to consider:

  1. Are you committed to making positive changes in your life?

MRT requires a commitment to actively participate in therapy sessions and complete homework assignments. If you are not ready or willing to put in the effort towards your recovery, then MRT may not be the best fit for you.

  1. Do you struggle with negative thinking patterns and attitudes?

If your addiction has been fueled by negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself and the world around you, then MRT may be a good fit. This therapy helps individuals identify these destructive thought patterns and replace them with more positive and healthy ones.

  1. Are you open to exploring your past experiences?

MRT also involves examining past experiences that may have contributed to your addiction. This can be challenging but also lead to a better understanding of why certain behaviors developed and how they can be changed.

  1. Do you prefer an approach that focuses on personal responsibility?

One of the main principles of MRT at our outpatient drug rehab in New Jersey is accepting personal responsibility for one’s actions and choices. If this resonates with you and aligns with your values, then MRT may be a good fit.

  1. Have other forms of therapy not been effective for you?

If you have tried other forms of therapy without success, MRT may be worth considering. This structured and evidence-based approach can be beneficial for individuals who have not seen progress with other types of therapy.

Seek Addiction Treatment at Rebirth Recovery Center

We understand that seeking help for addiction can be overwhelming and scary, but know that you are not alone in this journey. At Rebirth Recovery Center, we are committed to providing a safe and supportive environment where you can heal and regain control of your life.

Don’t let addiction control your life any longer. Contact us today and start your journey toward lasting recovery.

Moral Reconation Therapy

Moral Reconation Therapy

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